Helen Dennis
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I am out visiting readers…so how do you book a visit?
It’s that time again when I have the chance to get out and about and meet readers. I love it. And it might even be that I am making a visit to a school or a Festival near you so do pop over and say hello!Of course, it might be that you would like me […]
Let’s talk about The River of Ink series
Hello! I’m hoping that you are checking out this site because you are keen to explore the books I have written. (Thank you!) So…do check out this video to see how I might be able to help with that using some Discussion Questions shown below. Do be warned though…the questions cover plot points in the […]
Diving into the River of Ink!
Have you ever wondered why the ‘River of Ink’ series has this name?In today’s blog video, Helen will explain all about the title and how you can find extra secrets hidden inside the pages of all four of the books in the series. So, grab your swimming goggles and get ready to explore!
A Celebration of Secret Breakers
It is always wonderful to make return visits to schools…and that is why I was so excited to be asked back to The Angmering School in West Sussex to help them celebrate the end of term in style. I was invited to talk to all the Year Sevens and as well as chatting about symbols […]
A Festival of Story and Art
I have visited Norwich School a couple of times over the last few years and I was totally over the moon to be invited back to celebrate with them as part of their 2022 Book Festival. And what a fabulous day it was. Year Seven students from the school met with other Year Seven students […]
The Northgate School Book Awards
Well what an exciting celebration of books and readers that was. This year, Northgate School in Crawley held its very first Book Award and they certainly know how to celebrate in style. Way back in September, 18 books were chosen and all the pupils in Key Stage Two were given the chance to read a […]
What a wonderful challenge!
Well what an exciting day that was! I was thrilled to be invited to spend the day at Roedean School in Brighton where the girls had been set an incredibly demanding challenge. They had to work in groups to write a book for local primary school pupils. And they had ONE DAY…yes that’s right…just ONE […]
A Celebration of Young Writers
I had the amazing honour this year of being involved with Tower Hamlets School Library Service and their brilliant annual Writing Competition. The competition began eleven years ago…and involves children across Tower Hamlets having the chance to see their stories and poems published in a special anthology. Authors like me were asked into schools to […]