The Power of Three Special Years!
I don’t often do this…but I’m going to tell you a secret about the River of Ink series! I began to plan it in 2012…and the first book was published in 2016. That wasn’t just down to chance! Those years are very special. And so is this one – 2024. They are all leap years. Years with extra power!
I have always been fascinated by the idea of time. If you look very carefully at the book covers of the River of Ink series, you will see that something odd is happening to the text. It’s disintegrating. And that’s a sign for you…a symbol of how time is running out for the characters.
Time is vital to the characters of River of Ink. They have to make an incredibly important decision…and they are racing against time as they do it.
So what better time to launch into a read of the series than 2024? A year that has an extra day!
If you do read the series this year then I think you will discover the power of those extra special hours.
But in the meantime…happy leap year everyone. And whatever you choose to do on February 29th this year, and however you spend the extra hours we’ve been given, I hope it is a great day for you all.
Happy Secret Breaking everyone!